lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

FL - Gov: PPP coloca a Scott en cabeza

El último sondeo de Public Policy Polling (PPP) trae la confusión contradiciendo totalmente los resultados de Mason-Dixon y colocando a Rick Scott como favorito para la primaria republicana del martes.

(...) The Republican race for Governor in Florida remains closes headed into
the final day, with Rick Scott holding a 47-40 lead that’s within the survey’s margin of error.

If Scott does indeed end up as the GOP nominee on Tuesday night it will be because Bill McCollum couldn’t keep up with conservative voters. Scott has a 50-39 lead with them even as he trails McCollum 44-39 with moderates. There is a major divide along age lines between the two candidates with McCollum ahead by 13 points with senior citizens and Scott up by 16 points with everyone else. The older the electorate is on Tuesday the better McCollum’s chances of pulling it out will be. (...)

Video: Rick Scott reparte helados en Jacksonville Landing, un complejo de compras y entretenimiento.

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