McCain's Veep Options
(...) While congratulations are still premature, with Mitt Romney dropping out of the race yesterday it is now very likely that the Republican Party will nominate Sen. John McCain for president. If that happens, the GOP will, for the first time since 1976, select a candidate at odds with a large portion of its conservative members to be the standard bearer. At the same time, the party is more estranged from independent swing voters than it has been for decades.
This will pose a twin challenge for Mr. McCain. To meet it, he will have to become the champion of the brand of economic conservatism that has won national elections for Republicans since 1980.
The Republican Party spent decades building its brand as the party of small government, free enterprise and fiscal discipline. That brand put Ronald Reagan in the White House in 1980 and gave Republicans control of Congress in 1994. When it became clear two years ago that Republicans had abandoned those principles, voters swept them from power.
The path back requires re-establishing the GOP as a party of limited government and economic freedom. This is essential to Mr. McCain's political future, the fortune of his party, and the economic well-being of the nation. And the first big indication that he intends to bring back the party of Reagan will be who Mr. McCain taps as his running mate. (...)
4 comentarios:
¿me podrías explicar ese veto a Huckabee por parte de conservadores?¿no tiene posibilidades (Mike) serias de ir en el ticket de McCain?
Saludos y gran blog.
Sí tiene posibilidades. Pero sería una elección personal de McCain o de su gente que consideraría que Huckabee puede aportarles lo que necesitan.
Pero es una opción que no gusta demasiaod en círculos de opinión conservadores, y más en organizaicones como el Club for Growth, por su historial en materia de impuestos y gasto público. Consideran a Huckabee un conservador en temas culturales, pero un progresista en la manera de gestionar conflictos y recursos.
Muchas gracias antxon, ya leí ayer algo parecido en comentarios antiguos justo después de formularte la pregunta, a ver si encuentro un ratito libre y me voy leyendo las antiguas entradas.
Saludos y me reitero, muy buen blog.
Gracias. Saludos!
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