(...) Former Ohio Senator and astronaut John Glenn announced his endorsement of Hillary Clinton today.
"With all of the challenges facing Ohio and America, we need a leader who can deliver real solutions on her first day in office," Senator Glenn said.
"Hillary Clinton will immediately go to work turning around our economy and rebuilding the middle class. She has the strength and experience to take on the Republicans in November and win Ohio and the White House."
Sen. Glenn was the third American to fly in space aboard the Friendship 7 in 1962, and received the Congressional Space Medal of Honor in 1978. After retiring from NASA, Sen. Glenn served the people of Ohio in the United States Senate from 1974 to 1999, the longest tenure of any Ohio Senator in history. (...)
3 comentarios:
¡Mi hermana estrechó hace unos años la mano de John Glenn!
En una conferencia que dio Glenn en Asturias, en 1999 creo, si no recuerdo mal en el Teatro Palacio Valdés, en Avilés.
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