How McCain Can Convince the Right
(...) - Take a firm no-new-taxes pledge. Mr. McCain has said he would not sign any tax increase coming from a Democratic Congress. What about from a Republican Congress, if there is one? He needs to promise that he won't increase Social Security taxes -- especially by lifting the earnings cap -- or increase hidden taxes in regulatory schemes, and that he will try to eliminate the death tax.
- Get specific on spending. Mr. McCain talks a lot about pork barrel projects, earmarks and the need to get spending under control, but so does everybody. He needs to release a bold, Reaganesque proposal with specific reductions he would pursue as president, what programs he will try to eliminate, and how he will attempt to control a spendthrift Congress. Runaway spending represents one of the greatest gripes conservatives have with the Bush administration. By getting specific, Mr. McCain would endear himself to a lot of fiscal conservatives.
- Pick a fight with the press. One of the most persistent sources of conservative suspicion about Mr. McCain is the belief that he has an overly cozy relationship with liberal journalists, and will betray conservatives to remain in their good graces. Once he becomes the nominee, of course, he will be attacked by the media, which will reintroduce us to the "radical right-wing McCain." One opportunity for the senator and the press may be when Gen. Petraeus gives his next report to Congress in March.
- Pick a conservative running mate early. Mr. McCain needs a young vice president with stellar conservative credentials so that conservatives can know that an acceptable successor is being trained and waiting in the wings. Nothing would endear conservatives more, and nothing would make it clearer that Mr. McCain is serious about reaching out to them. Rudy Giuliani, Joe Lieberman and especially his friend, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, will not do, and would send many conservatives over the edge. One option would be 47-year-old Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina.
- Get specific on judicial nominations. Although Mr. McCain has said he would appoint judges in the mold of Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, he also said he was worried that Samuel Alito wore his conservatism on his sleeve. Mr. McCain needs to pledge that he will appoint judges who will interpret the Constitution based on the original intent of the Founders. That goes not only for the Supreme Court, but all federal judges as well. (...)
5 comentarios:
para estos jueces construccionistas, el derecho a la intimidad no es tal, puesto que la Constitución Americana no dice nada al respecto.
al menos eso creí entender en un capitulo del Ala Oeste, donde tienen que elegir a un juez para el Supremo.
Me pregunto quién paga a los guardaespaldas de los candidatos, que supongo que tendrán montones. Según leo el Servicio Secreto sólo protegerá a los que queden 4 meses antes de las elecciones presidenciales.
No sé cómo va eso. Lo que sí sé es que Obama fue puesto bajo protección del servicio secreto por ser negro y existir serios riesgos contra su vida.
Leyendo la biografía de Sanford en la wikipedia, podría ser un buen running mate para McCain.
El que también podría ser un buen candidato a VP es George Allen si no hubiera perdido su escaño en 2006.
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