jueves, 17 de enero de 2008

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Mitt Romney

Llegan buenas noticias para Mitt Romney esta mañana desde Nevada. El Las Vegas Review-Journal, diario de mayor tirada del estado, señala en su editorial al ex Gobernador de Massachusetts como la mejor opción de los republicanos para el Caucus del sábado. Con una defensa mucho más apasionada que la hecha ayer en favor de Obama para el Caucus demócrata, el periódico cita la agenda económica del candidato y su exitosa experiencia en el sector privado como su principal activo. Romney best pick for state Republicans

(...) Republicans haven't had much national electoral success of late, and for that they have only themselves to blame. In the 14 years since the Gingrich revolution, too many Republicans have embraced the beltway culture and abandoned the very principles upon which their success with voters depended -- smaller government, low taxes, free markets and personal liberty.

Nevada Republicans on Saturday should examine their choices through precisely such a filter. Each GOP candidate can make -- and has made -- a reasonable case that he's best suited to ensure the party again embraces the ideas and concepts that made this nation a beacon of freedom and economic opportunity. But in our opinion, the viable candidate most likely to lead Republicans in such a direction is Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts.

Mr. Romney's economic agenda includes several pro-growth policies, including a plan to eliminate taxes on capital gains, interest and dividends for any household earning less than $200,000 a year. He backs a line-item veto, favors making the Bush tax cuts permanent and understands that imposing higher taxes as a means of fixing Social Security will only make the problem worse.

He's supportive of free trade, rejects protectionism, backs tort reform, supports school choice and accountability, and while governor was even able to successfully push a handful of spending reforms through Massachusetts' overwhelmingly Democratic legislature. Mr. Romney vows to exercise his veto power if Congress doesn't embrace spending restraint and understands the drag that excessive federal regulation imposes on the innovation and the economy. (...)

4 comentarios:

Jordi Coll dijo...

Has leído la columna de Coulter en Human Events de esta semana?

Anónimo dijo...

Hola soy nuevo. Me gustaría saber si podemos hacer copy-paste de los articulos que escribes aqui en otros foros(poniendo la dirección claro).

Antxon G. dijo...

Sí, lo he leído Jordi. Dice que Romney es el mejor candidato, y pone mal a Mccain.

Hola Gaius baltar, claro que puedes hacer copy-paste.

Anónimo dijo...

Muchas gracias. Por cierto, felicidades por este blog tan bueno. Hace como un mes que te leo.