Newsweek le dedica hoy un amplio perfil de cinco páginas al Gobernador Mitch Daniels, de Indiana.
Responsible Rider
(...) Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is small, stiff, and unimposing, So why is he attracting legions of fans? Hint: it’s not the motorcycle.
It’s lunchtime at frontier Elementary School in Brookston, Ind., and Gov. Mitch Daniels, who’s spent the past two hours leading a charity motorcycle ride through the cornfields of central Indiana, has decided, along with 500 of his burliest friends, to park his Harley and grab some food. In the cafeteria, groups of tattooed men in leather vests, skull bandannas, and sleeveless denim jackets mill about, nibbling on limp turkey sandwiches. But Dennis Tyger, a 42-year-old auto repairman with a thick goatee and an impish grin, is too busy plotting his next move to eat. “So I should do it, right?” he asks his tablemates. They nod. Seconds later, Daniels enters the room.
“Here comes our next United States president!” Tyger shouts. At first, Daniels flinches. Ever since telling The Washington Post in February that he “would stay open to the idea” of challenging Barack Obama in 2012, he has had to insist, often several times a day, that he doesn’t actually intend to run. His ambivalence seems genuine. “You’ve seen my schedule,” he tells me later, in his broad Midwestern drawl. “I’m not going to Iowa; I’m not going to New Hampshire. I’m turning down every offer.” But when the rest of the crowd roars with applause, Daniels can’t help but smile. “Listen to that,” Tyger says, shaking his head. “I can see him in the White House already.” (...) Continúa...
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