domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

DE - Sen: Palin y DeMint con O'Donnell; Christie con Castle

Intervención de tres posibles candidatos presidenciales este fin de semana en primaria republicana para el Senado en Delaware.

Sarah Palin ha grabado un robocall (mensaje automatizado) de apoyo a Christine O'Donnell.

El Senador Jim DeMint, de Carolina del Sur, vuelve a llevar la contraria a sus colegas del Senado y anuncia su apoyo a O'Donnell en twitter.

"I'm (Jim DeMint) proud to endorse Christine O'Donnell for US Senate in Delaware. She will stand strong for the principles of freedom."

El Gobernador Chris Christie, de New Jersey, ha enviado una carta pidiendo contribuciones para Mike Castle.

(...) This November, Republicans in Delaware have an historic opportunity to take back the seat held by Joe Biden for 35 years and take one step closer to reclaiming a majority in the United States Senate.

That is why I am urging all Delaware Republicans to support my friend Mike Castle this upcoming Tuesday, September 14 by electing him as the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.

(...) He is the Republican that Delaware - and our country - needs in the United States Senate, and he is the only candidate in this race that can put this seat in the Republican column in November. (...)

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