jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007


Sintiendo cómo se tambalea el suelo ante la poca estabilidad de sus números en Iowa, la Senadora Hillary Clinton ha optado por dirigirse directamente a la cámara de televisión en su último comercial de 30 segundos. Dos conceptos: economía y clase media.

(...) Sen. Clinton: "You know we have big economic problems ahead. The price of oil is going way up; the price of our homes is going down. The middle class is getting slammed."

Narrator: "If you want a strong economy, we need a strong President."

Sen. Clinton: "I’ll start by taking away those tax breaks that the administration has lavished on big corporations and give you a break instead. I’ll create new jobs as we push for alternative energies and I’ll cut the deficit. A lot of people talk about America’s problems, but the next President has to be ready to solve them on day one." (...)

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Todos los políticos son iguales...