lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2007

Obama Organizer

El New York Times dedica un interesante artículo a Rory Steele, un joven ex marine que ejerce como responsable del staff de SouthWest Iowa-Obama For America, una sección de la campaña del Senador Barack Obama encargada de los 21 condados que comprenden la zona sur-oeste del estado de Iowa, la más poblada porción del territorio. Conforme se animan las expectativas de victoria del candidato en Iowa, los grandes medios nos están informando de manera más detallada de la organización con la que cuenta sobre el terreno. Mejor de lo que se evidenciaba. In West Iowa, Obama’s Man Thinks Locally

(...) Mr. Steele, a 29-year-old former marine who has worked as a truck driver in the Pacific Northwest and a crab fisherman in Alaska, is the face of the Obama campaign in western Iowa. His territory of 21 counties, the largest in the state, is an essential front line in one of the most competitive presidential races that anyone here can recall.

The outcome of the Iowa caucuses, a set of 1,781 precinct meetings to take place across the state on Jan. 3, hinges on creating a strong and loyal person-to-person network. Mr. Steele is among the hundreds of Democratic and Republican campaign aides stationed in Iowa responsible for building — and sustaining — those networks throughout the state’s 99 counties. (...)

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