miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007

Romney se lleva a Paul Weyrich

Con los sonados endorsements de Giuliani y McCain, hemos pasado por alto un importante endorsement para Mitt Romney. Se ha hecho con el apoyo de una figura protagónica en la construcción de las redes contra-establishment de las últimas décadas: Paul Weyrich. Co-fundador en 1973 con Edwin Feulner de la ahora poderosa Fundación Heritage, un acorazado intelectual del movimiento puesto en pie con el dinero de Joseph Coors, dedicada a lanzar importantes publicaciones para la clase conservadora. Weyrich también fundó la Christian Voice en 1977, y la Moral Majority en colaboración con Jerry Falwell en 1979. Paul Weyrich Talks About Why He Endorsed Romney - And Not the Others

(...) “I felt it would come down to a contest between Giuliani and Romney,” Weyrich said. “I don’t want Giuliani as the nominee because a lot of our values voters will defect... I know the same argument is made about Romney, but eventually, I think those voters can be brought around. There is a hardcore group that absolutely will not vote for Giuliani… I don’t think they’ll go for a third party candidate, I think they’ll stay home. I think there’s no convincing them. I’ve talked to a number of these folks. Even though they recognize that Hillary is a real problem, they think that it’s better to have somebody bad like that than it is to have somebody halfway reasonable.” (...)

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