jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

"Free and Strong America"

Mitt Romney Massachusettseko Gobernadore ohiak "Free and Strong America" (Amerika aske eta indartsua) izeneko ekintza politikorako batzorde bat sortzeko asmoa duela jakin dugu gaur. Bertan arituko dira lanean bere kanpainan parte hartu duten aholkulari guztiak. Batzorde horren helburuetako bat, Alderdi Errepublikarreko hainbat hautagairen sostengu bezela jardutea izango da. Michelle Bachmann edo Tom Feeney, Minnesota eta Floridako diputatuak haien artean. Horrekin Romneyk espero duena zera da: McCainek aurtengo hauteskundeak galtzen baditu, bera lau urte barruko hauteskundeetarako hautagai bezala aupatuko duen kontaktu sare bat ezartzea. Romney Launches PAC

(...) Governor Mitt Romney launched a new political action committee today just days before he is set to spend the weekend at the Arizona home of Senator John McCain.

The Free and Strong America PAC founded by the former presidential candidate and Massachusetts governor has the declared mission of supporting “officeholders and candidates who are dedicated to advancing social, fiscal, and foreign policies that will strengthen America at this critical time in the nation’s history.” The PAC will focus on electing candidates that are committed to “military strength,” low taxes, small government, and “strong families.”

In an e mailed statement announcing the launch Romney said, “America is at a crossroads. If we are to remain a leader in the world, we must be prepared to tackle the numerous challenges ahead of us with the same innovation and spirit that has made us the envy of the world. Together with the candidates we support, and the help of the American people, we can embrace solutions that will create a strong economy, strong families and a strong military.”

The political action committee has already announced several candidates that they will support including John McCain, Representative Connie Mack of Florida -a former Romney supporter, and Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, among others. (...)

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

coño, un post en íbero, jeje.

Gonzalo Cabeza dijo...


Como si escribir Massachusetts no fuese difícil ya en castellano jejeje