miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2008

Obama de vacaciones, más y mejor cobertura que McCain

Ahora nos explicamos cómo el Senador Obama decidió con una pasmosa tranquilidad tomarse una semana completa de vacaciones a poco más de diez semanas de las elecciones. Algunos bloggers que cubren las elecciones han sincronizado sus vacaciones con las del candidato demócrata para someter a sus lectores a un apagón de siete días. Y las televisiones generalistas se han propuesto demostrar la teoría de la resistencia de los cuerpos a cambiar su estado de reposo o de movimiento sin la intervención de alguna fuerza extraordinaria. Obama on Vacation, Yet Earns More & Better Coverage than McCain

(...) So much for John McCain's hope that remaining on the campaign trail this week while Barack Obama vacations in Hawaii would lead to more or friendlier coverage. At least not on Monday night when Katie Couric highlighted how “Obama put out a tongue in cheek response to Senator McCain's celebrity ad” and she helpfully pointed out: “The ad also features six different shots of Senator McCain next to President Bush.” Later, CBS allocated more than three minutes to a “CBS News Exclusive” interview and profile by Couric of “Barack Obama's brain,” Valerie Jarrett, who “just may be the most powerful woman in Chicago besides Oprah.”

ABC centered an entire piece around revelations Hillary Clinton campaign operatives planned to “question Obama's authenticity as an American. She rejected that strategy,” yet ABC managed to twist the story into Obama victimization as anchor Charles Gibson fretted: “There are indications that John McCain may be adopting it now.”

Reporter Jake Tapper warned “some say that John McCain has tried to subtly portray Obama as not quite American enough, playing up Obama’s popularity abroad.” The proof? This from McCain at a South Dakota motorcycle rally last week: “Not long ago, a couple of hundred thousand Berliners made a lot of noise for my opponent. I'll take the roar of 50,000 Harleys any day!” Tapper moved on to how McCain's ad narrator saying “John McCain: The American President Americans have been waiting for” is “a line many saw as implying something not American about Obama.”

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1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Referencia a tu ahora distanciado USAMERCAVOTA08??

Creo que lo peor que le podia pasar a la campaña de McCain es que se apague un poco Obama. Tal vez John pierda la brujula.