miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

Primer debate a tres en Las Vegas

Sólo faltan tres días para el Caucus de Nevada y, coincidiendo con los resultados que iban saliendo de Michigan, la MSNBC tuvo la genial idea de organizar un debate entre los candidatos demócratas en Las Vegas, Nevada. Podéis verlo aquí. Al estar pendiente de Michigan, he de admitir que no vi ni un minuto del debate. Por lo que os dejo lo que comentan en el New York Times. Obama and Clinton Seek a Softer Tone

(...) A Democratic presidential debate unfolded with an exchange of pleasantries and acts of contrition among rivals on Tuesday as Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama promised to dispel a rancorous feud over race and gender that had threatened to divide the party and alienate voters.

(...) It was a night of “John” and “Barack” and “Hillary,” soft voices, easy jokes and belly laughs. Even the normally pugnacious Tim Russert, one of the moderators, seemed subdued.

“We’re all family in the Democratic party,” Mrs. Clinton said, glancing toward her competitors who were seated closely around a table. “We are so different from the Republicans on all of these issues.”

The low-key tenor of the debate would seem to belie the dynamics of the race: Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama involved in a pitched fight for the nomination and Mr. Edwards struggling to break through. Clearly, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama came in deciding to lower the volume from the overtones of race and gender that had shadowed their contest for the past week and worried many Democrats — including many of the candidates’ advisers — that the back-and-forth could imperil both candidates. (...)

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