miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

Las Vegas Review-Journal apuesta por Obama

Grandes noticias para las aspiraciones de victoria del Senador Barack Obama en el Caucus de Nevada. En su editorial de esta mañana, el Las Vegas Review-Journal, diario de mayor tirada en el estado de Nevada, con 172,366 ejemplares diarios -204,036 los domingos-, hace una defensa crítica de la candidatura del Senador por Illinois, y ataca sin piedad a su principal adversaria, Hillary Clinton. Mañana está previsto que el periódico anuncie cual es su candidato entre los republicanos. Obama best choice for Democrats

(...) The Clinton campaign cites Sen. Clinton's "experience." In fact, she's a one-term-plus-a-year senator whose lackluster legislative record rivals Sen. Obama's. Other than that, the "experience" in question must surely refer to her presence as a witness and enabler during her husband's presidential terms.

(...) Is Barack Obama, then, the ideal Democratic candidate for president? Hardly. His policy recommendations -- when he can be convinced to get any more specific than "I represent change" -- are the opposite of "change." They're old-line, welfare-state solutions that haven't spent enough time in the microwave to appear even superficially appetizing.

Sen. Obama is a relatively young man with relatively little of the kind of real-world experience that prepares a candidate to stand firm against urgent advice to, say, bomb some remote population of defenseless civilians to "send a message," or plunge the economy into a dark night of unforeseen consequences by crippling the free market in the name of "fighting greed."

But Barack Obama is, at least, likeable. He is a good enough orator that there is no need to cringe when he dares to speak off the cuff. He is a good politician, in the non-insulting sense that he knows how to speak to individual Americans and give them the feeling he cares about their concerns. (...)

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