jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2007

Obama y Huckabee, los mimados de la mass media

Es lo que se desprende de un estudio independiente realizado por el Center for Public and Media Affairs. Según el mismo estudio, la cobertura más equilibrada correspondería a Fox News -para que luego digan-. Election Study Finds Media Hit Hillary Hardest

(...) On-air evaluations of Hillary Clinton were nearly 3 to 2 negative (42% positive vs. 58% negative comments), while evaluations of her closest competitor Barack Obama was better than 3 to 2 positive (61% positive vs. 39% negative). John Edwards attracted much less coverage, but his evaluations were 2 to 1 positive (67% positive vs. 33% negative). Sen. Clinton was evaluated more often than all her Democratic opponents combined.

(...) Among Republicans, Mike Huckabee fared best with evenly balanced
coverage – 50% positive and 50% negative evaluations by reporters and sources. Fred Thompson came next with 44% positive comments, followed by Mitt Romney with 40% positive, Rudy Giuliani with 39% positive, and John McCain with 33% positive. (...)

(...) Fox News Channel’s coverage was more balanced toward both parties than the broadcast networks were. On FOX, evaluations of all Democratic candidates combined were split almost evenly – 51% positive vs. 49% negative, as were all evaluations of GOP candidates – 49% positive vs. 51% negative, producing a perfectly balanced 50-50 split for all candidates of both parties. (...)

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