(...) In Arkansas, Mr. Huckabee was investigated by the state ethics committee at least 14 times. Most of the complaints centered on what appears to be a serial disregard for government rules about gifts and outside financial compensation. He reported $112,000 worth of gifts in one year alone, nearly double his $67,000 salary.
Five of the 14 investigations resulted in admonishments: Two for failing to report gifts (one was later overturned), the other three for some $80,000 that Mr. Huckabee and his wife received but failed to initially report. One of these admonishments involved a $23,500 payment to Mr. Huckabee from an opaque organization called Action America that he helped found in 1994 while lieutenant governor, and that was designed to coordinate his speeches and supplement his income.
Mr. Huckabee caused an uproar when he used a $60,000 account intended to maintain the governor's mansion for personal expenses, including restaurant meals, dry cleaning and boat supplies. He also faced a lawsuit over his assertion that $70,000 worth of furniture donated to the mansion was his to keep. Sprinkled among all this are complaints about the misuse of state planes and campaign funds, mistakes on financial disclosure forms, and fights over documents related to ethics investigations.
Any one of these episodes individually may appear penny ante, but they add up to a disturbing pattern. People I've spoken with who worked with Mr. Huckabee in Arkansas dispute the idea that he is "corrupt." They instead ascribe his ethical mishaps to a "blind spot" rooted in his beginnings as a Baptist minister and a Southern culture of gift-giving; they suggest he never made the mental transition to public office. (...)
8 comentarios:
la gente es que es generosa en el SUR, y despreciar un regalo está mal visto ;))
pero 67000$ para un gobernador (creo haber entendido eso) no es algo escaso? Muy escaso....
yo creo que un presidente de comunidad atonóma española, gana esa cantidad, incluso en algunas, el doble.
Arkansas es uno de los estados más pobres de la Unión...
Renta per cápita:
Extremadura-->8.000€ (10.000$)
para que luego digan que los políticos españoles son de los peor pagados ;)
Ok, Periplaneta, mira esta de mi país con extremadura:
Renta per cápita
Rep. Dominicana: US$ 8,050 anuales
Salario de un senador:
unos US$ 37,227....MENSUALES, casi medio millón de dolares al año.
y después preguntan el por qué de la desgracia de estos países latinoamericanos....
me cago en la leche puta!
pero qué caraduras!!
veo que tienes un blog, donde prometes arrear a diestro y siniestro. Declaro mi total desconocimiento sobre tu país, pero tengo ya archivado tu blog, a ver si aprendo algo....
un saludo!
Jajaja Periplaneta, gracias gracias. Mi pais es muy particular, igual que todos los latinoamericanos, es un poco dificil para ustedes que han vivido en sociedades desarrolladas comprender el por que de muchas cosas que se dan por aca.
Saludos Boni! Gracias por comentar.
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