domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007

Manchester Union Leader pide el voto para McCain

Importante espaldarazo del principal periódico de New Hampshire, a través de la pluma de su editor Joseph McQuaid, al empeño del Senador John McCain por ganar la primaria republicana del estado el próximo ocho de enero. Aunque no siempre sus candidatos han triunfado, el Union Leader ha sido históricamente un factor de relevancia en el proceso republicano. En 1964 apoyó al Senador Barry Goldwater frente al Gobernador Nelson Rockefeller, y en 1976 y 1980 apoyó a Ronald Reagan frente a Gerald Ford y George Bush. Menos fortuna tuvieron otros candidatos a los que prestó su endorsement en años posteriores; el Gobernador Pete DuPont en 1988; o el multimillonario Steve Forbes en 2000. En cambio fue capaz de llevar a una sorprendente victoria en NH al populista Pat Buchanan en 1996 -al que también apoyó en 1992-. John McCain is the man to lead America

(...) On Jan. 8, New Hampshire Republicans will make one of the most important choices for their party and nation in the history of our presidential primary. Their choice ought to be John McCain.

We don't agree with him on every issue. We disagree with him strongly on campaign finance reform. What is most compelling about McCain, however, is that his record, his character, and his courage show him to be the most trustworthy, competent, and conservative of all those seeking the nomination. Simply put, McCain can be trusted to make informed decisions based on the best interests of his country, come hell or high water.

Competence, courage, and conviction are enormously important for our next President to possess. No one has a better understanding of U.S. interests and dangers right now than does McCain. He was right on the mistakes made by the Bush administration in prosecuting the Islamic terrorist war in Iraq and he is being proved right on the way forward both there and worldwide. (...)

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