sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007

"Energy Independence. Energy Future"

La Senadora Hillary Clinton acaba de lanzar dos anuncios televisivos en Iowa y New Hampshire para promover el plan energético anunciado esta semana. Ha llamado la atención que no esté utilizando el mismo comercial en ambos estados. Su campaña ha realizado un comercial diferente, aunque similar en el argumento, para cada estado.

Para Iowa

(...) SEN. CLINTON: "We could create millions of new good jobs if we got serious about dealing with energy efficiency, new forms of energy. That's what I will do. I will create a strategic energy fund. I will put 50 billion dollars to work with wind and solar and biofuels that help us move away from our dependence on foreign oil. And where would I get the money? I would take the tax subsidies away from the oil companies. Let's do it together."

ANNOUNCER: "If you're ready for change, she's ready to lead." (...)

Para New Hampshire

(...) SEN. CLINTON: "We've got to get serious about ending our dependence on foreign oil. We could create millions of new jobs through new energy. Let's start investing in what I've called a strategic energy fund that will put 50 billion dollars to work with wind and solar and biofuels. And where would I get the money? I would take away the tax subsidies from the oil companies. They don't need your tax dollars anymore."

ANNOUNCER: "If you're ready for change, she's ready to lead." (...)

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